The FOCUS Program

All the fun of CrossFit, without the fear of injury.

By Ty Training

FOCUS is an assessment based coaching program for beginner to intermediate athletes who want to challenge their skills AND perform better—faster times, heavier lifts, more advanced skills—but feel like small aches and pains keep holding them back.


You like to train hard but, it does not love you back. You love CrossFit but every time you REALLY push, you get a minor injury. You want to get strong AF without getting bored. You know something needs to change but have no idea where to start.


I built this program for people like you. I want you to feel confident in your training. and trust your body. I want you to know you are not broken. I want you to be unbreakable. This program will get you strong AF and push your limits. But it will do it at a rate that your body can actually handle. You don’t just get thrown into the fire. You get built up. Brick by brick. So you do not get knocked down again.


I’ve spent the last 19 years working as a personal trainer. With my degree being in Sports Medicine, I’ve built my business fixing people that want to train hard. Fixing people that train too hard too soon. I don’t want you to have to be fixed. I want you to prevent getting hurt.


You do not have to accept that your knee will always hurt when you squat. You do not have to accept that you will never be able to go RX. You do not have to give up training hard because “it hurts”. Now is the time to choose to train smarter! I’m here to help. I’m dedicated to your success. I will push you to be better. I will not let you fail. I will make you FOCUS!



Go from “I’ll never be able to do that.”


“Holy shit, I can’t believe I can do that!”

We work together to uncover any small flaws in your technique and the places where your body may be compensating, and work through those with my Signature FOCUS Method, a step-by-step movement accelerator system to get you 100% pain free, but more importantly, seeing better lifts and faster workouts than ever before.

Ty Rendlich-Texidor at EVO Training Collective personal training facility

What is the F.O.C.U.S. method?

  • Ty Rendlich-Texidor doing dynamic stretching before her workout of the day

    FIND the limitations

    • Start with a full assessment.

    • FIND what might be holding you back and where attention needs to be pain throughout the program.

    • We then meet to discuss your plan of attack.

  • Ty Rendlich-Texidor providing feedback to online client in FOCUS personal training


    • I am here to coach you.

    • Submit your videos through the TrueCoach app and I provide detailed feedback.

    • You know exactly when and where to progress.


    • Each cycle is built out to enhance your skill and awareness.

    • Start slow and with control so you can move better and stay safer.

    • Progress only when you can demonstrate control.

  • Ty Rendlich-Texidor doing a pushup for her personalized shoulder rehab.


    • Throughout the program you will learn more about YOUR body and what it NEEDS in order to perform.

    • Learn more about training and what it takes to be healthy both in and out of the gym.

    • Be a smarter athlete!

  • Ty Rendlich-Texidor doing a front squat to stay strong and active.


    • I want you strong.

    • Strong enough for training. Strong enough for LIFE. Strong enough to not break.

    • The programming with FOCUS (warmup, strength, skill progressions, and WODs) is built to keep you strong and active well into your later years.

Is this you?

You want to do CrossFit.

You like to train hard.

You can’t seem to get out of pain.

You’re sick of searching YouTube.

You want to perform better.

You need a coach.


You need FOCUS!

Click the video and have a listen to what long time member, Andie H. has to say about her experience in the program.

You want to train with small aches & pains? Fine.

When you want to actually enjoy your training again and reach a higher level of performance, you will need to address them.

That’s when FOCUS come in.

I help you clean those up.

*Pun intended

I help fit, healthy and motivated athletes perfect their form despite nagging aches and pains, so they can truly excel in their performance.

*Do you want to be strong AF?

*Did The Open expose some holes in your fitness?

*Finally ready to address that “bum knee”?

*Can you FOCUS on training smarter?

You CAN perform better!

You CAN train without it breaking you!

You CAN unfu*k your body!

But you have to really WANT it! 

Are you READY?

What Do You Get?

  • Everything you ever needed to know about entering the world of CrossFit. What you need. How to stay safe. Common terminology (so you can actually read what you need to do). Detailed breakdown of all the major skills. This is the fundamentals course that EVERY gym or program should offer.

    All in one place.

  • You should not start any training program until you know what your body can do right now AND what it needs to be better at. This is your first step in injury prevention.

  • Sometimes you need to take a step back in order to make a giant leap forward. Start at the beginning. Build upon skills safely. Progress at a rate your body can handle. Don’t just get thrown into the fire.

  • The TrueCoach app is the shit! Chart your progress. Upload your lifts. Literally watch yourself get better!

  • Depending on the cycle, you have your work cut out for you. 100% compliance is NOT expected. But if you have the time, the drive and the discipline with your recovery, it’s there for you.

  • I review EVERYTHING!

    You’re not just sent on your merry way to figure it out.

    I’m your coach.

    And I’m here to make sure you do it RIGHT!

    You send me your videos. I give you detailed feedback. What’s right. What’s wrong. Add more weight next time. Maybe take some off. If I see something that can be fixed, you will know.

What do I mean by video review?

Watch the video.

“Ty is an incredible coach. I learn more in my three minute responses to my training videos than I ever could've imagined. What a game changer!”

Need a sneak peek of the content?






6 Months Paid In Full

Cancel Anytime

The first 2 months are INTENSE!

I want you in here ONLY if you are committed to being better.

I recommend at least 6 months to benefit from the progressions.

However, feel confident in knowing that you can cancel at any time before your next payment is due.

What do current FOCUS members have to say?

  • “I feel like FOCUS has helped me move toward accomplishing my goals. I have been in a gym 5 days a week for 8.5 years and have learned to compensate for many little deficits eventually leading me to regularly occurring pain. All of a sudden I wasn’t enjoying training anymore.

    I am glad I’ve taken the time to really dig into the cause of my pain instead of just continuing to deal with, or avoid, or compensate. I’m excited to get back to a heavy barbell and some gymnastics!”

  • “I absolutely feel like I'm accomplishing my goals! I've gotten so much from this program! I've gained strength and mobility in areas that previously limited my movement. The range of motion in my left knee has drastically improved which has reduced pain and given me access to exercises I previously dreaded and avoided.”

  • “Ty was able to pick up on issues and imbalances I wasn’t even aware of that were impacting my movement! There were many moves I had been doing incorrectly for years that I’ve since been able to correct. Addressing these issues has helped me feel so much stronger during my workouts and all of my little aches and pains have gone away.”

  • “This whole experience has been a spiritual awakening, truly. This is pretty woowoo, but my increased body awareness, especially in my hips, actually makes me feel connected to my people, my DNA, my lineage. My workouts are my time to feel completely in my body, grateful for my body, in the present moment...kind of like a really (really!) sweaty meditation. I knew that I needed to start doing this for myself, but I didn't know that I needed it in this way.”

  • “I am so happy I signed up for the program. I've learned more in these few months than I have in years of working out and weightlifting. Ty has an immense amount of knowledge and is one of if not the best coach I've ever had.”

  • “As a PT, I feel like I’m picky about who I trust to train me. I LOVE the way Ty looks at movement and the message she sends to her clients who are real life people with other important things going on besides dieting, working out and being lean.”


This is your chance to start doing something FOR your body, not just TO your body!